Friday, February 14, 2020

Administrative Challenges Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Administrative Challenges - Essay Example Majority of corrections officers are employed by the government of the country they work in, although some are employed by the private sector. The roles of corrections officer can vary from one facility to another, but they usually include maintaining discipline, order, and peace within the facility, implementing the rules and regulations of the facility as well as relevant laws, transporting inmates to other correctional institutions, to courts, or into the community (for example, escorted day-pass, medical appointments, etc.), providing tactical response for hostage-takings, riots, and other ongoing crises and emergencies, providing first-response in events such as medical emergencies, fire, riots, assaults, etc., and search environs and inmates for illegal imports. On the whole, their job is to ensure the control, custody, rehabilitation, and care of persons who have been found guilty of a crime and sentenced to serve time in jail or in a prison or who have been arrested and are a waiting trial while on remand, as well as to ensure the security and safety of the facility where they operate in itself. Being a corrections officer is an honor, since one gets to serve the country and help in maintaining peace and order. Helping an inmate through the process of rehabilitation is also probably a good feeling, knowing that one has played a role in turning somebody into a better person. However, being a corrections officer is also challenging. It is undeniably one of the most stressful jobs there is. A researcher once observed that any social structure or organization which includes a group of individuals who do not want to be there and a group of individuals who see to it that they stay there is a social structure or organization under stress (Brodsky, 1982). This description fits exactly the setting of a jail or prison with inmates who do not want to be there, and corrections officers making sure that they do not escape. Numerous studies and interviews have been co nducted to know more about the stress experienced by corrections officers and the findings show that there are numerous causes of stress, either work-related or organization-related. One of the work-related causes of stress is the threat of violence among or from inmates. Another one is the actual inmate violence, which includes inmates assaulting or killing staff or other inmates, hostage-taking, inmate suicides, and riots. Actual inmate violence not only causes stress for corrections officers as it happens, but also afterwards, as the anxiety of officers is increased after critical happenings by the after effects of job insecurity, blaming, scapegoat-ing, and recriminations (Freeman, 1997). Manipulation attempts and persistent demands by some inmates are also a major source of stress for corrections officers; for example, an inmate makes additional food or cigarette requests with a promise to control other inmates or not to cause any trouble. Problems with co-workers also prove to be stressful; as a matter of fact, according to a survey, 22% or corrections officers regarded â€Å"other officers or staff† as more stressful than any other factor apart from having to deal with inmates that are difficult and aggressive (Marston, 1993). Some of the conditions that can bring about stress among co-workers include officers battling for restricted, choice assignments, improper behavior toward inmates (e.g. taking questionable disciplinary actions, becoming too

Sunday, February 2, 2020

Satisfy job Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Satisfy job - Essay Example You end up doing the same thing over again and again, and it eventually makes you bored about your job. As a result, your interest in the job starts to disappear and you feel that you cannot be there anymore. While money is a major contributor to job satisfaction, there are many other things that are of similar importance. For many people the main purpose of work is to earn money. It is difficult to imagine life without money, because everything has its own exchange value which money is needed to pay. Payday is the happiest of days in these workers’ calendars. People receive remuneration for the time and effort dedicated to their work. Moreover, it becomes even more pleasant if there is a bonus for good performance or for the amount of work done, as then at least a person can feel appreciated. If a person runs their own business, they are oftentimes satisfied with their work if it has regular profit. If people are paid less than what they think they can get, it makes them upset with their work and discourages their motivation for better performance. For instance, my friend’s coworker always complains about her salary, which is not equal to her ten years of working experience and professional performance. No matter how well and how fast she can finish her duties, she still gets the same a mount of salary. As a result, she becomes lazy on the job. She takes personal phone calls during work hours, and she even once stayed in the bathroom doing her nail polish until everyone could smell the chemical odor from the paint. It is all because she barely gets her salary increased and never receives a bonus for good performance. It is true that a person is not happy when they do not have what they deserve. That is why people who get more money at work are usually more satisfied. The situation is made even worse if no opportunity for a